Hello and welcome to my newest blog.
I grew up in a small town in north central Indiana. I am an only child and loved every minute of the spoiling and attention that came with it. I moved to Texas in 2003 to escape the harsh economy and weather we were experiencing. Five weeks later, I met the love of my life, then married him in 2005. We will be celebrating our fifth anniversary this year. The five happiest years of my life!
(c) Mallory Womack, 2009
I have always been interested in taking pictures. When I was eight, I used my birthday money and was the proud owner of my very own Polaroid camera and cassette of 10 pictures. I took that camera on a family vacation where, with my mom, we captured all of our family memories on film. Later, I progressed to a hot pink 110. The images that came from that camera impressed my friends. They told me that "those pictures look like postcards", of a recent trip to Williamsburg, Virginia. I was only a teenager at the time.
(c) Christina Martin, 1993
So, how did I become professional? You can thank my dog for that one! Tim and I got a puppy in 2005 and I wanted to take good pictures of him running through the yard. Point and shoot cameras just weren't cutting it. By the time that the button communicated with the shutter, my puppy was halfway across the yard. Tim and I went on the hunt for a new camera. That is when I got my Canon Digital Rebel XTi, brand new from the store, with kit lens, for a mere $1000! Whoa! (The newest Digital Rebel is now selling for like $800!)
(c) Christina Truelove, 2009
I was able to shoot great pictures of my dog, and I also got to shoot some family pictures for my friends, Kristy and Craig Alderson. Without their help as my first 'models', I wouldn't be where I am today.
(c) Christina Truelove, 2007Now, I use all professional equipment and lenses. I have a Canon 7D and 40D, and my favorite lenses are my Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 50mm 1.8, and my Sigma 24-70 1.8 (not in that order)! We are also in the process of converting our home into a working studio. Look for more information on this to come. We WILL have a grand opening party!
If you would like to know a little more about me, feel free to drop me an email (christina@christinatruelove.com) or post a comment on here. I would be very happy to hear from you!